Week 12: Interior Building Systems

  •  Interior systems that impact the design of a successful interior environment
    • Data voice and telecommunications systems
      • Telephone lines and internet are necessities in the interior environment. 
      • Many clients also request wireless service
      • Request interior spaces dedicated to teleconferencing
      • Projection space planning needs to made sure that all occupants in the space can see the projected image
        • the closest person should be no closer than 2X the height of the screen and the top of hte screen should form an angle of more than 30 degrees from the horizontal sight line of the viewers
    • Energy control systems, security systems
      • Lock down systems are used to secure a facility after hours or during an emergency
        • prisons, retail malls, schools
      • burglar alarms
        • used in many building types
        • alarm may sound when someone enters or exits a building
        • alarm may sound for an emergency such as a fire
      • Metal detectors
        • identifies pieces of metal that could pose a risk to people such as guns and other hazardous objects
    • Vertical circulation systems
      • The way in which people move from floor to floor within a given space
        • Stairs
          • building codes regulate the specific size of stair treads and risers heights as well as stair widths
          • common materials used for stairs include wood, metal, and concrete
          • a tread is the horizontal surface adn a riser is the vertical surface

        • Elevators
          • Hydraulic and electric
        • Escalators
          • Not exceed 30 degrees
        • Ladders
    • How systems furniture interfaces with the building itself

      • System furniture panels
        • carefully integrated with a buildings fenestration
        • placement  in relation to electric lighting will impoact user performance as well as the acoustics withing and between cubicles 
        • must meet existing glazings at mullions and not in the middle of the glass panel


  1. Your summary was good. I think the diagrams you added were very helpful. I do with you went further into depth about the difference between cubicles and benching systems.

  2. Great graphics and good overall summary! I wish your pictures were a bit bigger so I could read the words but good job.

  3. I really liked your summary and your images were really helpful!

  4. Eliana,
    Very nice summary and great supportive images. The only lacking information is a discussion between the use of cubicles and benching systems. 45/50 points


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